Find the Right
Kiln For You

Buying guide

Find the kiln that’s right for you.

Our line-up of round, square and oval kilns offers something for everyone. Our buying guide will help you find the kiln that is just right for you. Download our buying guide and checklist to help you get started.


Capacity guide

We’ve developed this handy guide to help visualize kiln capacity.

This guide is intended as a visualization tool to help picture the approximate capacity of each Cone Art kiln model based on a standard object – in this case, a simple cup measuring approximately 3-1/2″ in diameter by 4-1/2″ high. For actual measurements please refer to our specifications page for both internal and external dimensions.


Options, Add-Ons and Upgrades

Customize your kiln for your specific needs.

Cone Art offers a variety of options, upgrades and add-ons to customize your kiln to perfectly suit your specific needs. From selecting your controller to venting add-ons and component upgrades – learn how to select the best options for your application.