Test & Hobby kilns

Perfect as test kilns, doll kilns, or hobby kilns. These models are excellent choices for limited space or power available.

Available with either the V6-CF keypad, or the Genesis touch screen, these kilns are perfect as test kilns, doll kilns, or hobby kilns. The 119D runs off of 120 volts (18 amps), and the 18” diameter models are all under 30 amps on a household 240 volt circuit. If you have limited space, or limited power available, any of these models are excellent choices. All 4 models have A1 heating elements, and use our standard double wall design, equating to a 32% energy savings thanks to the 2.5” brick being backed up by 1” of block insulation. The 1822D comes with a floor heating element and 2 thermocouples, creating perfectly even firings from top to bottom. Tucker’s Cone Art kilns set the standard for excellence in quality construction and reliability, and easily fire to cone 10. The jacket and fittings are all stainless steel or corrosion resistant metal. The safety lid switch, and Integrated Vent System are available options.


Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $12.00.Add to cart

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