You can upgrade from the standard VentMaster to the Controller Integrated Orton VentMaster when you purchase your kiln. It’s the same great vent, but hardwired to your kiln (it does not require a separate power source).
You can upgrade from the standard VentMaster to the Controller Integrated Orton VentMaster when you purchase your kiln.
It’s the same great vent, but hardwired to your kiln (it does not require a separate power source).
The advantage of this set up is that the kiln controller can also control your vent. If you are using the delayed start feature on your controller, the vent will turn on when the firing actually begins (and not be running during the delay phase). In Cone Fire mode, the vent will remain on until the kiln has cooled to 150 degrees F. In User mode, you can dictate which segments of your firing you would like the vent to be on or off.
The Integrated VentMaster cannot be added to a kiln after it has left our factory.
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