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2822D Round Pottery Kiln


The Cone Art 2822D will easily fire to cone 10. With a 28” interior diameter this kiln is suited for 26” diameter shelves, and just like the 2822D is a little easier to reach the bottom than with standard depth kilns. 3 thermocouples and our double wall construction results in energy efficiency, and our standard element in the floor helps to ensure even firings every time. Just like the deeper models, this kiln easily disassembles into 3 sections for easy delivery. Combining our patented lid lifter with the 22.5” depth make this an ideal production kiln for baby boomers. The kiln is big enough to hold a large load while being easy on your back.

All available options, add-ons & upgrades available are listed below. Use this form to “build” your kiln and request a quote and be directed to your nearest dealer. Full product details are shown further down the page.





Product Description

The Cone Art 2822D will easily fire to cone 10. With a 28” interior diameter this kiln is suited for 26” diameter shelves, and just like the 2822D is a little easier to reach the bottom than with standard depth kilns. 3 thermocouples and our double wall construction results in energy efficiency, and our standard element in the floor helps to ensure even firings every time. Just like the deeper models, this kiln easily disassembles into 3 sections for easy delivery. Combining our patented lid lifter with the 22.5” depth make this an ideal production kiln for baby boomers. The kiln is big enough to hold a large load while being easy on your back.

It fires easily to a true cone 10. Double wall construction results in energy efficiency, and our standard element in the floor helps to ensure even firings every time.

Standard Features
  • 8.33 Cubic feet
  • Double wall construction
  • A-1 Elements
  • 208 or 240 Volts (80 or 90Amp breaker required)
  • Sectional design
  • Multiple zone Bartlett controller
  • Counterweight Lidlifter
  • CSA approved
  • 2 year limited warranty

This is a double insulated kiln with a wall profile of 2.5” premium firebrick plus 1″ of block insulation. The floor and lid are constructed with 3″ firebrick and has an additional 1″ of block insulation. The extra insulation ensures a cooler, safer jacket, longer element life, and approximately 30 % savings in electricity costs. The kiln is clad in a stainless-steel jacket for extra protection and durability.

There are heavy-duty A-1 elements in the walls and floor. This makes firing to cone 10 a breeze even with high mass loads.

Equipped with the Bartlett V6 2 Zone electronic controller which is mounted on an angled easy view control panel. Or upgrade to the Wifi-enabled Genesis 2.0 touch screen.

No Other Kiln Can Match the Features and Benefits of a Tuckers Cone Art Kiln – The Original True Cone 10 Kiln.

Click to view the summary page for our line up of :   Cone Art Production Kilns

For more information on buying a kiln refer to our Cone Art Buying Guide  or visit the Buying Guide tab of our website.

Available Options and Upgrades


The Bartlett V6-CF Controller “BX” offers precise control and many features not available with other controllers. It comes with preset firing profiles, allowing you to fire by simply entering a cone number, as well as the option of user-defined programs. It will hold up to 6 user-defined programs with up to 8 segments in each program. Or as an option you can combine 2 programs to make one complicated program with up to 16 segments in it. The Bartlett controller has one thermocouple for each circuit in the kiln so it is excellent at ensuring even temperature from top to bottom.

The Bartlett Genesis 2.0 Controller “GX” has all the features of the V6-CF Controller but uses touch screen technology, graphical displays, has built in diagnostics, and can calculate your cost per firing. Being wifi enabled means available software updates, and communication with your smart phone for the ultimate in convenience and control. Follow the entire firing from the comfort of your home. This is the gold standard in kiln controllers.


Type “S” Thermocouples are rated for approximately 3000F and therefore are literally capable of lasting forever in a pottery or glass kiln application. Type S thermocouples are made from Platinum and Rhodium, and therefore prices fluctuate as the price of platinum fluctuates. Type S thermocouples are accurate to +/- 0.25% (versus +/- 0.75% for standard Type K thermocouples). If your kiln uses green coloured thermocouple lead wire, then you have Type S. It should be noted that Type S thermocouples are fragile, even though they are encased in a protection sleeve. If your concern is thermocouple life (versus accuracy), then an alternative is to consider buying thermocouple protection tubes for your standard Type K thermocouples. One knock with a kiln shelf could damage your Type S thermocouple and require you to replace it.

Protection Tubes…if you are concerned about thermocouple life, then a more economical alternative to Type S thermocouples is to consider buying thermocouple protection tubes for your standard Type K thermocouples. The 6.5” ceramic protection tube is an excellent option for increasing thermocouple life, as well as eliminating delamination of thermocouples (spitting of metal debris onto your kiln shelf). They are easy to install, last forever, and also protect your thermocouples from getting dinged with a kiln shelf.

Solid State Relays (SSR’s), are an excellent choice for those that regularly do cone 10 crystalline firings, or those that have extremely slow firings with multiple hold times to accommodate large, thick sculpture work. Standard mechanical relays have physical components that move, and are rated to last for a certain number of cycles. Solid State Relays, on the other hand, have no moving parts, and if installed properly on heat sinks with thermal pads to keep them cool….can literally last forever.

Available Add-Ons

Our Furniture Kits are specific to each model and contain full shelves, half shelves, a variety of posts and kiln wash. These kits were thoughtfully put together to provide you with everything you need in all the right size combinations to start firing right away. Click here to view furniture kit contents by kiln model: Cone Art Pottery Kiln Furniture Kit Chart

The Orton VentMaster vents the fumes directly from the kiln before they exit the kiln into the room. This is a very effective venting system which we highly recommend with every kiln. All VentMasters include the main blower and motor, one three foot long, high temperature hose, one fume collector cup, hose clamps, instructions and test firing cones. The collector cup attaches to the side of the kiln. The motor can be left on the floor or attached to the wall.

You can upgrade from the standard VentMaster to the Controller Integrated Orton VentMaster. It’s the same great vent as above, but hardwired to your kiln (it does not require a separate power source). The advantage of this set up is that the kiln controller can also control your vent. If you are using the delayed start feature on your controller, the vent will turn on when the firing actually begins (and not be running during the delay phase). In Cone Fire mode, the vent will remain on until the kiln has cooled to 150 degrees F. In User mode, you can dictate which segments of your firing you would like the vent to be on or off. The Integrated VentMaster cannot be added to a kiln after it has left our factory.

The Orton VentMaster Hose Kit extends the distance between the blower motor and the collector cup. This kit is excellent for mounting the vent higher on a wall or further away from the kiln. Kit includes; 1 thee foot high-temperature hose, a hose coupler, and two hose clamps.

The Orton VentMaster Expansion Kit allows for another kiln to be vented to the same VentMaster Blower, at a fraction of the cost of a new vent. The kit includes one additional collector cup, one three foot long, high-temperature hose, and two hose clamps. The standard VentMaster operates on 120 volts, and comes with a 6′ long line plug with inline switch for manually turning it on and off.

Click here to learn more on venting:   Cone Art Kilns Recommended Venting

A Safety Lid Switch is a good choice when kilns are installed in public buildings like schools and community centres, or anywhere that curious children might open the kiln lid. This device will automatically turn off power to the kilns’ heating elements when the lid is opened beyond the height of the lid prop. This feature makes it impossible to reach into a “live” kiln, but does not interrupt your firing schedule, or turn off the controller.

Capacity & Dimensions

Our capacity guide is intended as a visualization tool to help picture the approximate capacity of each Cone Art kiln model based on a standard object – in this case, a simple cup measuring approximately 3-1/2″ in diameter by 4-1/2″ high. For actual measurements please refer to our specifications page for both internal and external dimensions.

Click to view the complete:   Cone Art Capacity Guide

Click to view our Cut Sheet with full Kiln Dimensions:  Cone Art Pottery Kiln Dimensions – Cut Sheet 







Additional Information


BX (Bartlett V6-CF Controller) (Standard), GX (Bartlett Genesis 2.0 Controller) (Upgrade)

Voltage & Phase

Unknown, 240V-Single Phase, 240V-3 Phase, 208V-Single Phase, 208V-3 Phase


Type "K" (Standard/Included), Type "S" (Upgrade)

Protection Tubes

None (Standard), Protection Tubes Added (Upgrade)


Mechanical (Standard/Included), Solid State (Upgrade)

Furniture Kit

None (Standard), Furniture Kit Added (Upgrade)

Orton VentMaster

No VentMaster (Standard), Orton VentMaster (Upgrade), Controller Integrated VentMaster (Upgrade)

VentMaster Hose Kit

No Hose Kit (Standard), Hose Kit Added (Upgrade)

VentMaster Expansion Kit

No Expansion Kit (Standard), Expansion Kit Added (Upgrade)

Safety Lid Switch

No Safety Lid Switch (Standard), Safety Lid Switch Added (Upgrade)


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